The last post to this blog was about loosing our sweet Daisy. Now we've lost our Daphne. It is so hard. No more greetings at the door, tails wagging with smiles full of unconditional love. Dogs mean different things to different people. In my family they were one of us, my canine siblings. So much love was received from them and so much given back to them. They didn't ask for much, just food, water and to be with you. It was so easy to give it to them. They gave us so much more. They filled our lives with love, companionship, smiles, a sweet face that would melt your heart, a devil dog that would make you laugh and big, warm bodies to hug. Truly gentle giants, these dogs called Mastiff. If one of them felt a threat they would subtly put their body in front of you to make sure you were safe. My heart hurts but I know they are together now taking care of each other and our 4-legged friends that went before. They are both free of pain, able to run and play and are waiting for us until it is our time to join them. Be at peace sweet girls. We love you.